Hi friends, today I will tell you about some important tips and tricks, if you are going to buy a second hand phone or used phone, so please read the instruction or points her before buying an used phone. As you all know no a days you can also buy used phone through online and where you will get the purchase bill along with the Mobile phone, But Online buying of used phone has some demerits, that means you can not check the physical condition of the phone, but some of the online seller also giving some days to replace or return the phone if faulty. But friends here I will give some important tips and tricks, if you are going to buy a used phone from a person physically. If you follow this process and verify this tips you may get a good condition phone and after buying this you will not face any kind of problem regarding this. Before You Buying a Used/Second Hand Phone Please read some important tips and tricks Tips and Tricks To Buy a Used Phone? First ...
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