Off-line UPS ************ An Off-line UPS bypass the AC power to output/load, when a power failure occurs it switches from AC power to its own power source (Battery)instantaneously (The switchover time is usually between 2 to 20ms). As the AC power is directly bypass to the load during that period the UPS is remain Offline, in the simple word the UPS is not working at that moment, When a power failure occurs it starts working so its called an offline UPS. At the time of bypassing power to the load, Offline UPS also charges the connected batteries during normal power supply. The Offline UPS use source power only during power problems and when the main power directly bypass to the output/load at that time the voltage of output very as per your input power. So its not good for your sensitive electronic devices. Difference between offline and online UPS On-line UPS ************ An on-line UPS continuously powers the output/load from it's batteries whi...
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