Intex has launched the new smartphone Aqua i6, the phone is priced at Rs.8,990 and comes with Android 4.2.2 jelly Bean Operating system which runs on a 1.3GHz quad-come MediaTek 6582 Processor and 512MB of RAM and the phone also has a 5 inch display.
The phone also has 4GB Internal Storage and can be expandable up to 32GB via microSD card, if you see the Camera feature the Aqua i6 has an 8 Megapixel Main camera with flash and a 2 Megapixel Front Camera. If you see the connectivity of the handset, it comes with 3G, EDGE, HSPA and Wi-Fi Hotspot.The Intex Aqua i6 has a 1,900mAh battery which provides you up to 6 hours Talk time and 220 hours of standby time, the phone also has a dual SIM support.
Intex Aqua i6 Smartphone with Android Jelly Bean has been launched in India with a price of Rs. 8,990/- |
Key Specification of Intex Aqua i6
- Android 4.2.2 jelly Bean OS
- 5 inch FWVGA display with 480x854p resolution
- 8 Megapixel Back camera with flash
- 2 Megapixel Front camera
- 4GB of internal memory
- Expandable Storage up to 32GB via microSD
- 3G, EDGE, HSPA, Wi-Fi Hotspot, Bluetooth
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